London based, free-lance documentary film-maker now working as an edit producer and archive producer. Previous experience as a producer/director, series producer and executive producer working on projects both in Britain and abroad. After a childcare career break, I have returned to work in the edit, which I have always loved.
Having graduated with a degree in Russian from Exeter University, my first job in television was to work alongside the Russian director on Granada's new version of 7UP in the USSR. It was a huge undertaking and took almost a year to complete including the edit in Manchester. My second job was nine months of live studio daytime TV on This Morning in Liverpool, which included putting together a show every week, making short films and writing celebrity interview questions. Then Granada expanded 7UP to South Africa and I was sent off to Johannesburg in 1992. Still under Apartheid rule, the seven-year-olds I met in South Africa attended segregated schools.
Since then I have worked with many talented directors as a series producer, producer and AP as well as making my own single documentaries. My natural territory is with ordinary people on projects that have a leaning toward social politics and emotional depth. As an AP I have worked in specialist factual and as an edit producer I have been introduced to True Crime.
I love the collaborative nature of television and the unique challenge that every project presents.